Where is NOI in Stava-mala?

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category B

Gopal Ramamurthy

To: [email protected]

Wed, Aug 5 at 5:15 PM

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Dandavat pranam. Appreciate the prompt response.

According to Wikipedia

Upadesamrta (The Nectar of Instruction): This short work contains eleven verses of instructions to aspirants on the path of devotion to Krishna. The Upadesamrta was originally a part of the Stavamala.

Looking at contents page of Stava-mala of Sri Rupa Gosvami published by Ras-bihari Lal & Sons, there's no mention of Sri Upadesamrta either.

Your servant, Gopal

HpS - AGTSP!! paoho. Thank you, Gopal! I guess that is the translation by Kusakrata Das edited by Purnaprajna Das and sold by RBHL & Sons. Very nice. At http://kksongs.org/authors/literature/stavamala.html is the TOC of the prayers with the links to each song. The RBHL TOC does not give the first line of the Prayer in the numbered songs. Can you go through those and see if one of those is Upadesamarta???