Tomorrow's Ecuador Bhakti sastri class

4 years, 7 months ago by jambavan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeissances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I think you asked your disciples should write you letters very frequently. So, I am understanding that I've been failing so much on this. I am ashamed!

HpS - Once a year at least in the Disciple Report, but other than that it is nice every few weeks or as things progress.

How are you? How is your health? I heard you in some online class, and I thought you were in good health.

HpS - Go to

I'm very happy to contact you again!

HpS - I am happy but to here that you are happy makes me VERY happy also.

Tomorrow you are giving lecture for Bhakti-sastri students from Ecuador, I am one of them, so tomorrow we'll meet you there!

HpS - Did you join the class?

About sadhana still I am having difficulties with my rounds, I did what you said, (to write down as a debt the rounds not finished every day) and worked well, but then again I forgot to write them down... I have to start again with this.

HpS - Yes, otherwise you will become Indra in your next lifetime.

I am a little committed to my work, this is giving difficulty, but at least the good point is that I am understanding that it's not that I don´t have time, but I don't have proper organization and productivity (for Krishna).

Still we are organizing the sunday feast for Medellin devotees (we were doing it until the "plandemic" started). We rented a place in the center of the city. That was a small success, and more devotees were coming. Like 10-12 devotees and guests every sunday.

When the virus crisis started, then we started to give every day class in the evening by internet for Medellín members. Still today we are doing it, every day. And that is being a super good experience, devotees and guests are learning very fast, and taking very seriously the sadhana and the practices. I think that was a huge discovering for congregational preaching.

HpS - And you can mail Prasada to each other?

The fact that they are participating every day becomes a strong connection with other members of the congregation and gives them strength and enthusiasm to practice the sadhana.

Also we have one special guest one day every week, until now we had the visit of HH Bhakti Sundar Maharaja, HH Bhakti Prabhupada Vrata Damodar Maharaja, and HH Yadunandana Maharaja. Please also we would like to invite you, of course, to share with us one meeting. Maybe you can contact me by Whatsapp +573046044200 to speak details on this.

Maharaja I feel like my preaching is some kind of independent from your desire, your personal service. Should I do something different? Should I change something?

Your humble servant

Jambavan das

HpS - Please read the Kapi Dhvaja at the above link! That will give you all the answers and connections for your next step with ASA!!

Thank you.