[KDPC] Preguntas y respuestas

4 years, 5 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Por favor acepte mis humildes y sinceras reverencias.

Muchísimas gracias por contestar mi carta anterior. Entiendo que su tiempo es muy ajustado y tiene muchas responsabilidades.

Me quedé pensando algunos días sus preguntas para poder responder de forma adecuada.

En los últimos 4 meses+ he estado cantando 16+ rondas todos los días, sin excepción. Desde el 2012 que lo hago, pero tuve periodos en que no era regular en mi japa. En relación a los cuatro principios, los sigo de manera natural hace 7-8 años.

Como le comenté anteriormente, estudio Yoga y Ayurveda en Dhatri desde el 2018. Desde agosto del año pasado comencé a trabajar en la recepción de la escuela, y he estado desde entonces ayudando en lo que se necesite. 

He participado apoyando al equipo interno de los festivales que se han celebrado en Dhatri (Janmastami, Balarama Purnima, Nityananda Trayodasi, entre otros), y también en los programas que hemos tenido con Mahatma Prabhu. 

Ahora, con todo el tema de la cuarentena, hemos creado un grupo de Japa matutino donde cantamos el maha-mantra y leemos un verso del Gita para inspirar nuestra meditación. Ha sido hermoso y ha atraído a muchas personas a participar. Es muy inspirador ver como tanta gente se interesa en Krsna (¡Pero claro, si es el Supremamente Atractivo!) y como les remueve el corazón cantar sus nombres (¡Jaya!). Desde el lunes 20 de julio me haré cargo de guiar ese programa de Japa (por ahora solo los días lunes), y acompañaré al grupo en su práctica. Agradezco mucho a Vishvanath y Gita por confiar en mí, ellos me han apoyado y ayudado mucho; son mis queridos maestros y amigos.

Con respecto a su pregunta Maharaja, mi relación con el templo es inexistente. Pasé y observé cosas muy feas, tristes y poco inspiradoras y respetuosamente preferí alejarme. No tengo una opinión negativa, solo siento que formar parte de aquella comunidad, sería negativo para mi vida.

Hace cerca de 2 meses entro en las mañana al FMP y realmente es lo más maravilloso de mi día. Tener su asociación todos los días, asistir a mangala arati y cantar el maha-mantra en conjunto, me ha permitido fortalecer muchísimo mi sadhana. 

Verdaderamente Maharaja, hay muchas cosas que siento en mi interior y no encuentro palabras para describirlas. "GRACIAS" no es suficiente. La felicidad que he sentido no la había vivido antes.

Usted es una inspiración constante, y le agradezco enormemente todo lo que hace, Maharaja.

Agradecida inmensamente de su tiempo


Nicole Silva, aspirante a sirviente.



Hare Krsna Maharaja, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my humble and sincere obeisances.

Thank you very much for answering my previous letter. I understand that his time is very tight and he has many responsibilities.

I spent a few days thinking about your questions so that I could respond appropriately.

In the last 4 months + I have been singing 16+ rounds every day, without exception. Since 2012 I do it, but I had periods when I was not regular in my japa. Regarding the four principles, I followed them naturally 7-8 years ago.

As I mentioned before, I study Yoga and Ayurveda in Dhatri since 2018. Since August of last year I started working in the reception of the school, and since then I have been helping with whatever is needed.

I have participated supporting the internal team of the festivals that have been held in Dhatri (Janmastami, Balarama Purnima, Nityananda Trayodasi, among others), and also in the programs we have had with Mahatma Prabhu.

Now, with the whole question of quarantine, we have created a morning Japa group where we chant the maha-mantra and read a verse from the Gita to inspire our meditation. It has been beautiful and has attracted many people to participate. It is very inspiring to see how many people are interested in Krsna (But of course, if He is the Supremely Attractive!) And how it removes their hearts to chant their names (Jaya!). From Monday, July 20, I will take charge of guiding this Japa program (for now only on Monday), and I will accompany the group in their practice. I am very grateful to Vishvanath and Gita for trusting me, they have supported and helped me a lot; they are my dear teachers and friends.

Regarding your Maharaja question, my relationship with the temple is non-existent. I passed by and observed very ugly, sad and uninspiring things and respectfully preferred to walk away. I don't have a negative opinion, I just feel that being part of that community would be negative for my life.

About 2 months ago I entered the FMP in the morning and it really is the most wonderful thing of my day. Having your association every day, attending mangala arati and chanting the maha-mantra together, has allowed me to greatly strengthen my sadhana.

Truly Maharaja, there are many things that I feel inside and I cannot find words to describe them. THANK YOU is not enough. The happiness I have felt I had not experienced before.

You are a constant inspiration, and I greatly appreciate everything you do, Maharaja.

Immensely grateful for his time


Nicole Silva, aspiring servant.

HpS - May Srila Prabhupada guide us in our thoughts! Thank you for your wonderful letter. Your activities are wonderful as you describe them and Dhatri. I am sorry that you found the ISKCON Temple activities so bad. Personally I have heard complaints and have tried to present them to the institutional authorities and encouraged the devotees to also push them forward.

From what I understand they have made changes, but we have not been informed all the time of those.

I think there is new Temple President and new standards have been installed. Making an institution out of Bhakti Yoga is not easy. It is like the difference between Arjuna being good himself and then trying to organize a good world. He had to kill 640 million people in the process.

Can you talk to some of the followers of Srila Prabhupada, like Visvanatha Das and see if our results have improved things.

Thank you!

Krsna says to Arjuna in BG that one who does good my friend will never be overcome by evil.

ISKCON belongs to Srila Prabhupada. If anybody is misrepreseting him and we can change that then we must do that!!