reporte de sadhana

4 years, 5 months ago by mandara sakha das in Personal Sadhana Reports

¿Cómo estás guru maharaj? espero que bien. Por aquí las cosas fluyen. Quiero comentarle brevemente lo que estoy haciendo actualmente.

En las mañanas nos conectamos con usted a fmp, luego seguimos cantando a través de zoom con krishna west y estudiamos srimad bhagavatam también, canto 1 por ahora. Luego trabajo como psicoloco desde el hogar por la pandemia, adoramos a tulasi, tomamos prasad con manjaris, acompañamos y guiamos en el canto del maha mantra a personas que hemos conocido a través de la astrología védica que hacemos en tiempos libres (segundo trabajo), predicamos un poco y el día y la vida pasan muy muy rápido.

estamos leyendo sri godruma kalpatavi de bhaktivinoda thakur, traducido por jayapataka swami, preparándonos para nuestro servicio de recepción y cuidado de nuevas almas en el templo de iskcon santiago.

tenemos otros varios proyectos de prédica en diferentes lugares, por ahora todo online, le iré comentando mas detalles pronto. Seguimos como carteros entregando las cartas del acarya, con miles de defectos, pero entregando las cartas.

Me despido guru maharaj, hasta la próxima, reverencias.


T.G.COM -- How are you guru maharaj I hope it's ok.

HpS - ASA - We died and went to heaven. I am writing this from an internet booth here.

Around here things flow. I want to briefly comment on what I am currently doing.

ASA - Be careful! Are we the doer?

In the mornings we connect with you to fmp, then we continue to chant through zoom with krishna west and we study srimad bhagavatam too, Canto 1for now. Then I work as a psychologist from home due to the pandemic, we worship tulasi, we take prasad with delicacies, we accompany and guide in the chanting of the maha mantra people that we have met through Vedic astrology that we do in free time (second job), we preach a little and the day and life go by very, very fast.

ASA - Jaya!

we are reading sri godruma kalpatavi from bhaktivinoda thakur, translated by jayapataka swami, preparing ourselves for our service of reception and care of new souls in the temple of iskcon santiago.

We have several other preaching projects in different places, for now all online, I will be commenting on more details soon. We continue as postmen delivering the acarya letters, with thousands of defects, but delivering the letters.

I say goodbye guru maharaj, until next time, obeisances.

Mandara Sakha Das??

HpS - ASA - 1. Thank you for this inspiring news.

  1. Jananivasa Das told us that Srila Prabhupada said that if we following the Yoga he is givng strictly, and our children follow it strictly, then our grand children will be traveling on flying carpets.
  3. Guru Das: Srila Prabhupada, what will we do after we make this planet Krsna conscious, Srila Prabhupada: Oh, the Sannyasis will get on their Space Ships and fly to different planets to preach there.
  4. Do you have any idea of how to make flying carpets?
  5. Put the KDPC from the Kapi Dhvaja in the Title of our your letters!! 🤓

Tom Brown - Buck White