KDPC - My Nature - Pyari Mohan das

4 years, 6 months ago by bhaktapiero in Personal Sadhana Reports


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances Gurudeva

All glories to you 

Hare Krishna

Thank you so much Gurudeva, i am very happy of be your disciple, i can’t understand how this is possible, really, most of the time the people is glorified when the persons die, but i feel that degree of appreciation toward you now, it’s like it’s a dream, i don’t know how i will feel when your body stop working, very difficult situation.

But you will be in the heart, i know that, like now, Paramatma. I can’t believe that you are here guide us, is a real rare fortune serve your lotus feets.

Thank you for all, your patience, beauty, power, erudition, humor, constance, Krishna prema, real love, etc. This are ones of your amazing qualities, but the humility is the one i appreciate the most. 

HpS - ASA -- We are just some mud that Srila Prabhupada has turned into a domestic animal.

So, here i am, i feel like i start again, one more spilar, now i can see more about my bodie and my mind, my monkey and my piggy, they also have name, but i don’t want to imitate you. I want to know how i can advance in anharta nivriti, please Gurudeva. I need to purify my dirty heart so that in the future serve you completely, each second, with mind, words and action, it’s sound like a sannyasi jajaja. 

Sudra - Sudra - Sudra - Ksatriya _ This is your appraisal of my nature, how function my body and mind.

HpS - No!!! Mucho Brahmana!!

My parents both are artist, my mother studied music pedagogy, she play guitar and another instruments and sing very beautiful, her grandmother also played the guitar very virtuously. My father studied arts pedagogy, he is a very good draftsman and painter, but he don’t like very much that, he prefered make videos, and do many ventures between art, science, environment and technology, he is very creative.

Now i am accepting this qualities in my life, all my life i was fighting with this, for me is very difficult to know about me, I need time to heal me and put all my potencie in your service. Now i understand that this qualities are Krishna, and i have to use it in his service. Now i have many desire to do so much artistics works to connect so many people to Srila Prabhupada, his books and his mission. 

I am f. . .

HpS - Awk... Have to stop here to go to some more letters. Write again. Pick the important stuff that others don't mention.

. . .

Thaaaank you Gurudeva, I hope see you soon.

Your eternal little clown servant: 

Pyari Mohan das