Lalita`s life project

4 years, 7 months ago by LalitaMadhavadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jay Sri Krishna

All Glories to Prabhupada

Dandavats Pranam dear Guruji

Here we are together with Manjulali DD for already 3 months in total quarantine in Stgo, we continue distributing Prasadam every day to different people who are bringing their lives closer to Sri Krishna.

The restaurant was closed three months ago which led us to take new measures to continue distributing prasadam and generate economic resources.

My patience and faith are tested day by day, thanking the Lord's immense mercy in our lives.

Together with Manjulali we learn how to improve our relationship and stay calm in this situation.

Every day worship of the deities of the home, cooking, Indian devotional music, japa, reading a few times a week.

Trying to legally formalize the relationship (marriage) but, it is still not possible receive a attention in the civil registry of our city due to quarantine.

The video and instrumental music for our album "Vraja Rasa" is ready. Send the link below.

I send the mp3 audio in case you want to use it in any presentation or video, link below.

Hoping to serve you correctly

Lalita Madhava Das

From the top 25-songs to Make You Fear Re-birth by Tom Brown's: