
4 years, 7 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category A

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja, How have you been? AGTSP PAMHO.

HpS - AGTSP!!!! When we are Krsna conscsious we are happy!

I wrote a letter like two months ago but, it hasn´t been published yet. I had a so called friend, he lives in Los Angeles, he says he knows you, he is quite agressive, he is Ritvik and wants to spread his ideas, he also has some friends in Modesto.

He was very upset at me because I posted photos from you in Facebook, he was saying rubbish. The other day you mentioned that you have enemies, I know how you had had problems with some godbrothers. So, keeping the good company of gentlement and good devotees is a most, sometimes it is hard to find them, but in the course of time you find out who deserves to be your friends, some are quite difficult to deal with.

HpS - We don't really have any enemies. We are usually successful in avoiding people who irritate us, and then we can see them more and more from a spiritual perspective. Ultimately we are all like bothers and sisters, so any destructive conflict is just an illusion. We do not have to become our enemies, enemy!🙂

I would like to hear from you some classes about the sanyasa order. I know this topic is in the seventh canto.

How is Hanuman and Nrisinhadeva + Prahlada doing?

HpS - We give them all a rub each day and offer prayers and incense, Arghya etc. Rather full Manasa puja each morning. Of course, whenever I think of Prahlada, I think of you.

I also got the mercy to have a Tulasi plant and even tough it is a baby, she is growing nicely.

HpS - Wow! I hear that first she likes association, then warmth, then sunlight, then water.

I always think about you guru maharaja, now it is more difficult to be closer due to the inumerable disciples, but all deserve to have your shelter and mercy.

HpS - There is no limit to intimacy on the spiritual platform, and on the material platform it is kind of superficial!

your foolish servant, Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa (Mexico) 11, 07, 20

HpS - Thank you for the letter. We aren't always able to answer all the letters. We look at the ones with the Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code (KDPC) from the "Letters to the Editor" section of the Kapi Dhvaja first!!