KDPC - Life in times of the " threefold klesa"

4 years, 7 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev .


Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA -- Chrysathamum feet???

In my last letter you had asked about my life . I am currently chanting my 16 rounds , 4 regulative principles seems OK ( evening time had taken two sips of coffee - just the act of boiling the water had felt good- that's all ..will stop it by tomorrow most probably. ),

ASA Herbal tea is O.K.??? Boil water.

... worshiping the deities is fixed while listening to srimad bhagawatam , whole day trying to chant better or relate things with Krsna - need more vaco vegum.

Next plan is to regulate the day according to the various book reading . Like NOI , NOD , BG and SB ...like I saw you doing in my travel. Mangal aarti timing is still not up to standards ...but improving on right direction.

ASA - "Early to bed and early to rise, and you will be happy, wealthy and wise", Benjamin Franklin.

On duty front , have covid 9 screening and sample collection duty from 19- 25th of July in shift basis . Cases are on rise . But good time to realize that "I am not the body " and also how to react if death comes - as u said No Assisted ventilation ..even I plan to do that if it comes to that . Don't want to be drugged and forget Krsna completely.I hope my deities continue to get services after I leave the body .

This is practical demonstration of the various klesa described in bhagawatam .

Thank you so much for the association over start meeting and zoom . I am trying , please do not reject me completely .

Thank you gurudev for your intense help .

Hare Krsna

Your trying to be disciple .

Rturaj Krsna Das

Shillong , India

HpS - We are all trying to be Srila Prabhupada's disciple. Go ahead, go ahead, no? The progress on this path accumulates even eternally. You life will become more and more interesting and productive. You will get more and more relations in Sri Krsna Sankirtan.

How is your biological family?