[KDPC] From the Land of Tamales (for Krsna)

4 years, 6 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias. 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

En la clase por zoom a ISKCON Madrid puse una pregunta en el chat, pero no la leyeron, no es importante pero justamente he tenido en mente estas ideas. 

"Gurumaharaja ud mencionó que tenemos que ser puros en conciencia y hábitos y Krsna enviará personas inocentes y que Sri Nityananda buscaba personas con hábitos más fuertes ( no inocentes) me gustaría entender un poco más este punto por favor y cómo se aplicaría en la predica actual" esa fue la pregunta en chat, no active el micrófono pero accidentalmente se activo una mano : ) 

Estos días he estado recordando las diferentes oraciones de los sankirtaneros que me enseñaron en el pasado y justamente una de ellas es " por favor Señor Krsna permíteme encontrar personas inocentes para que se lleven los libros" 

Puede ser que esta súplica se tome como querer facilidad y ser parciales o no acudir por aquellos que están sufriendo más como lo hacía Sri Nityananda, pero los peligros de igual forma se presentan en donde uno no los busca y resultas insultado, burlado y agredido incluso físicamente, alguna vez escape con mi bolso de libros en medio de una lluvia de piedras amenazándome que me matarían  pero muchas veces experiencias más dulces externamente. 

Hubo muchas oportunidades que después de insistir con determinación sucedía la magia de Krsna pero en alguna ocasión parecía que nuestro instrumento provocaba ansiedad a pesar de cantar rondas , asistir a mangala arati y todo el sadhana. 

La pregunta era recurrente y experimentada por varios, SS. Prahladananda Swami nos dijo (sonriendo) "no se preocupen ustedes no los ponen en ansiedad, de cualquier forma la gente ya está en ansiedad" 

De manera personal descubrí que ayudaba mucho no ofender a los vaisnavas y pedir sus bendiciones diariamente. 

Gracias por Su gentil atención. 

Disculpe la pregunta tonta y las ofensas por favor. 

Vuestra aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd. 


Dear Gurumaharaja:

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In the ISKCON Madrid zoom class I put a question in the chat, but they did not read it, it is not important but I have just had these ideas in mind.

"Gurumaharaja you mentioned that we have to be pure in conscience and habits and Krsna will send innocent people and that Sri Nityananda was looking for people with stronger (non-innocent) habits I would like to understand a little more this point please and how it would apply in the current preaching "That was the question in chat, do not activate the microphone but accidentally activated a hand:)

HpS - Thank you for your association! We hope "the master of the coconut" of your house it well!

I think we got the formula from NOI: 1. We must be pure (rounds, princples, programs), 2. Krsna will send innocent people, 3. They must have some patience to understand the situation of this material world.

Sages of Naimisaranya had a problem, then Vyasadeva had a problem, M. Pariksit, Narada with Brahna; Brahma with Lord Visnu. They had a problem, wanted help and Krsna sent it.

But Lord Caitanya gives mercy to those who don't even ask for it, and Lord Nityananda forces us to take the mercy. So we can let ourselves, try to be, agents of the Sankirtana of Gaura-Nitai in the present world!

These days I have been remembering the different prayers of the sankirtaneros that they taught me in the past and exactly one of them is "please Lord Krsna, let me find innocent people to take the books"

It may be that this plea is taken as wanting ease and being partial or not going for those who are suffering more as Sri Nityananda did, but the dangers likewise present themselves where one does not seek them and are insulted, mocked and attacked even Physically, I once escaped with my book bag amidst a rain of stones threatening that they would kill me, but many times experiences sweeter externally.

ASA - We heard about your Sankirtan in JambavatiDevi Das's audio book.

There were many opportunities that after insisting with determination the magic of Krsna happened but on some occasion it seemed that our instrument caused anxiety despite singing rounds, attending mangala arati and all sadhana.

The question was recurring and experienced by several, SS. Prahladananda Swami told us (smiling) "don't worry you don't put them in anxiety, anyway people are already in anxiety"

I personally discovered that it helped a lot not to offend the Vaisnavas and ask for their blessings daily.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Excuse the silly question and the offenses please.

Your would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - This is big topic. You probably know more that we. Also, I think it is very specific. We do Sankirtan different ways. We are developing our Sankirtan. Hari Das Thakur and Lord Nityananda preach differently.

Srila Prabhupada says, that sometimes in the beginning of preaching to someone force may be necessary, but it must be applied expertly or afterwards there will be a bad taste for everyone.

The Srimad Bhagavatama and Caitanya caritamrta are lessons in Sankirtan.

We will learn more and more as we continue, no?