KPDC Tuesday ASA SB Class

4 years, 6 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaja,


Thank you very much for your answers to my last letteṛ and the picture, I love Nrsimhadeva bhagavan.

We are trying organized the tuesday class and we have 2 question:

1.Classes can be 2 Tuesdays continues in english and then 2 in spanish or alternated (a tuesday in english and the next in spanish?

2.The reading or classes on tuesdays will have a sequence of texts .Should we continue with the sequence of classes in English? or a separate sequence for Spanish?.

In Spanish will started with Canto 2 capitulo 2 tx 24 and from there follows correlatively

I also report the following:

1.For the moment there is a rol of vaisnavis which cover until October, but may be the changes in the case that you travel.

2.The idea is the vaisnavis to participate in the reading and she give their comments and improve her classes.

3.- Yugala dd and Candramukhi dd they will give the classes this month July.We started with them because they studied the first 6 Cantos and we can learn from them.

4.-Here present the rol proposal:

July: Yugala dd, Candramukhi dd

August: Jahnava dd, Srutipriya dd

September: Priya sakhi dd, Guru govinda dd, Mitravinda dd (this month has 5 tuesday)

Octubre: Astasakhi dd, Srutipriya dd

What do you think? It looks good?

Thanks a lot for your time and dedication,please forgive me any offense.

Sri Nrismhadeva protect you

ss Isvari dd

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP! Uncle Gismo is very pleased with your ideas, but... Monkey and Piggy are complaining, "Hey, we are pigheaded monkeys! More simple plans. Let us develop habits rather than plans!"

U.G. - Hmmph.

HpS - So, let us Spanish language Tuesday 7th and English Tuesday 14th. We will (our will is weak) post that in this Kapi-dhvaja and then we can plan the next classes in the following Kapi-dhavja.

Two weeks at a time to start.

O.K. With everyone?

Topic: O.K. Let us finish the Prayers of Suka deva Goswami. Can take a verse in sequence but also look at all the verses.

O.K. With everyone?