July 05th Lecture for ISKCON St Louis Congregation

4 years, 8 months ago by ramacarya in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja Ji

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

No Problem maharaja Ji, excellent topic! Kindly keep your camera own during presentation. We have many new devotees who would like to interact and ask questions. Also, in future kindly visit St. Louis once COVID-19 is gone and give us your association.


Ramacarya Das

HpS - Thank you! I hope the Zoom link was posted some where here in the last few exchanges, but can you please Whatsapp it to us on Sunday also. Our donkey is old and is losing his memory.

Also, like we said, we have limited Data on our AT&T account so we cannot do VOI excpet for a few minutes. So, we can have a visual, pptx, etc. link for the program by internet, but all the audio has to be called in by phone. Of course that also limits keeping our video camera on. Burns Data like a forest fire!

See you Sunday.