HpS - Thank you, Prabhu, AgtSP!!!! We changed the title a little. O.K?
Hare Krishna Maharaja Ji
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,
I noticed my internet was down, its working now. I am glad to find-out you live so close and one day we will come to have your Darshan. On every Friday we release announcement for program and I will be happy to share copy of email sent to our congregation. Kindly find detail of the 05th July program below. If you would like to change the topic then that is also fine. Your presence will be sufficient:
Topic: The Yoga Ladder: Understanding Your Level and Helping Others.
Speaker: H. H. Hanumat-presaka Swami
Format Zoom live: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5241179062?pwd=TWsxZUI0T0tjamFoZy8xS002VExxUT09
Meeting ID: 524 117 9062
Password: 343171
Time: 5:45- 7:00 PM ( Central Standard Time)
Date: July 05th 2020
Ramacarya das