¡“KDPC”! - PPT de Bhisma para Héctor Béjar_AmD

4 years, 6 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Oramos diariamente para que Lord Nrishimha te proteja siempre. En Perú hemos hecho una especie de equipo de contingencia con Yogesvara prabhu, para asistir con Dióxido de Cloro, a los devotos que se contagian del Corona Virus. Ya hay varios que se han recuperado en cinco días de tratamiento incluido mi hermano, su esposa e hijos. Le envio un video con información:


Por otro lado, le envié a su correo, el PPT de “Bhisma” dedicado a Héctor Béjar, con una pequeña reseña del autor (Como Usted me lo sugirió) al final de la presentación. También le he añadido una hoja final con referencias (links - enlaces) para que Héctor pueda encontrar alguna información complementaria. Ahora que tengo que hacer? Enviárselo a Héctor? A Abhirama T.?

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva,

Su aspirante a sirviente, AmD

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

We pray daily that Lord Nrishimha will protect you always. In Peru we have made a kind of contingency team with Yogesvara prabhu, to assist devotees who get the Corona Virus with Chlorine Dioxide. There are already several who have recovered in five days of treatment including my brother, his wife and children. I send you a video with information:


On the other hand, I sent the PPT of “Bhisma” dedicated to Héctor Béjar to his email, with a short review of the author (as you suggested) at the end of the presentation. I have also added a final sheet with references (links - links) so that Héctor can find some additional information. Now, What do have I do? Send it to Hector? To Abhirama T.?

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva,

Your would-be servant, AmD

HpS - Thank you for both pieces of new. We started to watch the video and it seems nice but we haven't got the time or WiFi data to watch it now. We also looked on the internet and saw that the US Government and a big medical page were warning people that it does not cure Karuna virus and is potentially dangerous!!?

The PPTX is great. With the help of the Abhirama Thakura Das send it to Hector.

Next letter!