Sunday Lecture July 05th

4 years, 8 months ago by ramacarya in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja Ji

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I am also trying to get hold of him [Dr. Aloka De] but so far no luck. As soon as I come in touch with him I will inform you Maharaja Ji.

HpS - ASA - Super!!

Search says he is in Kansas City, VA, Medical Center but no luck of getting hold of him yet.

HpS - NOI 3!

I am currently residing in St. Louis, MO. We are in central standard time ( CST) so 5:45 PM our time will be 3:45 PST.

ASA - Huh??? We are in Nashville! Also CST (Actually, CDST, no???)

We do not stream zoom program during lecture on YouTube but program get recorded. Recording is later posted on YouTube and Facebook. In case if there are devotees from outside who would like to join your next week session then that won't be a problem. I will send the zoom link prior which you can share with devotees interested to join. I am fine with any topic you would like to talk on Maharaja Ji

HpS - O.K. Send ASAP because I don't want to broadcast it through twitter because there is some chance The Evil Ones have been using that announcement station to hack the organizers if they are Hindoos.

Who will be the audience? Any doctors, lawyers, Indian Chiefs? Gandharva Veda? Music, Dance, Drama???

"You are the Most Important Preacher in ISKCON!"

Your Servant

Ramacarya Das