Oink! Oink Whoop! WHoop!
D! Yet, happy.(See attached photo).
ASA - How are you? Our eyes are dying. Our head does not ache. Our stomach is a little dull from a little too much lunch. Our heart is strong from the Mexico BBT, We Never Went to the Moon class, with Daitesa Das et al.
97+ Devotees.
Answered letters. Got 10/16 rounds done. Bro. Ass is starting to have muscle cramps and prolonged bruised (?) tendons. It is like an old tool, no? Eg. the thermostat on our heater broke, so we opened it up and soldered a wire around the thermostat and now it works when we plug it in.
So, happy when we can completely use up everything Krsna has given us! No wasting His gifts! Like M. Puri and the sweet rice.
Any more news?
We get our rounds done, we keep FMP and SB (and NOI at night) pretty well. Mail pretty well. Kapi Dhvaja. Walk/Talk with NgD. Building and equipment maintenance.
MOE - Viplavah
NIOS ---- Solaris ????? ! Maybe we should make this the last issue and focus on the ASA Encyclopedia?
LTE- Such nice letters today! Nanda goes to Dallas. Somebody else goes to Boise.