Hare Krishna Maharaja Ji
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Alok Da is now professor in Kansas Sate University. I have not spoken with him for long time but he is good with his familiy.
Kindly confirm if 05th July will work for lecture. Lecture starts at 5:45 PM CST and goes until 7:00 PM with QA. We do it on zoom and anybody can join, there is no restrictions. We record the lecture an then post it on our temple & Facebook accounts for other to watch.
Ramacarya Das
HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna.... Hare Rama!!! We looked at the K-State U. website and searched for Alok and Aloka De and no results! Any help??
O.K. Sun, 5th July on our calendar for 5.45PM Central Time. Where is your good self????? Columbus???? TOPIC? Do you stream the Zoom on Youtube?
20 hours ago by hps in Calendar Development
On Sunday, June 21, 2020, 04:56:18 PM CDT, Ramacarya Das <[email protected]> wrote:
Hare Krishna Maharaj Ji
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,
I would like to introduce myself to you. I met you for the first time 2003-04 in a small university town called Pullman, WA (Washington State University). I was going to college there and supporting a preaching program led by a bengali devotee named Alok Da.
HpS - I remember him. He was giving alcohol to rats etc!! What happened to him???
At that time, devotees from Boise temple such as Radhika Raman Prabhu & Gopal hari prabhu would come with other devotees to help us with Janamastami festivals. Maharaja you also visited Pullman once or twice and I had a home program with you at our apartment. At that time I was very new to KC.
After finishing my college I was in Columbus, OH for 3-years & Dallas TX for 5 years. During this time I met you again in Dallas, it might be the year 2010-11. Since 2013 I have been living in St. Louis, MO and actively supporting the old Krsna Balrama temple. Once again I was very happy to hear your voice during our symposium. I am very excited to take up this service and support you as needed.
Once COVID-19 stuff is over and if you prefer kindly visit St. Louis, MO. We will be happy to host you and organize home programs here. Currently on every Sunday we are doing Zoom life Sunday feast lecture. I would like to request if you can give a lecture next week Sunday or any other Sunday as your schedule permits. Kindly let me know.
Your Servant,
Ramacarya Das
HpS - 28th might work, but later dates might be easier to organize. Are you streaming or posting your lectures to Youtube? I hear it is easy through Zoom, and then our fiends and mumblers can also join.
Please communicate via our Blog. We can't handle Yahoomail!!
Thank you,
Super best wishes for your Sankirtan.