After consulting with local devotees...

4 years, 6 months ago by Nityananda-rama dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Jaya Gurudeva!

After having carefully read and re-read your responses to me and after having spoken with Dayanidhi prabhu, his wife Vrindava Vilasini mataji and a fixed up Vaisnava couple about my situation and your responses, I think I have something of an understanding of my position and how to move forward.

I am chanting my rounds. It seems to be the consensus that I am following the four regulative principles well. I believe that I am meeting 16/4.

HpS - You are in a group that occupies probably less than .001% of the worlds population! Special Dude! Thank you!

I also know that to stay stable I need the regular association of the devotees and some service. Chanting in my back yard, reading alone and listening to pre-recorded classes is simply not sufficient.

ASA - Awk!

Due to the virus, the details are not clear, but I am continuing to talk to Vrindavan mataji to find a way forward. I need to turn my feeling of fear and shame into humility.

HpS - Maharaja Bharata became and ANIMAL. At least we are walking on two legs!!!

I have also been advised that ending my current relationship is likely to cause more problems than it would solve. I think that I need to make sure that there is plenty of warm, fresh prasadam for my partner to honor so he doesn't have the room to eat out or consume unclean things. I also need to get him more association with my devotee friends here. I think in this way I can work to purify our relationship. There is also a small service that he may be able to use his talents (computer engineer) to help the temple. There is hope for him.

ASA - Don't feel pushed to help out of fear! Krsna will help you. What appears like losing material resources, usually is so that Krsna can give us better resources! Help out of abundance!

I am engaged in ongoing dialogues with trusted grihastas to work out the specifics of my ashram.

It is my sincere hope that I have understood your instruction and have somehow used it to chart an acceptable course forward. If I have erred in my comprehension or application of the advice I have received, I humbly ask that you would correct me.

Your servant,

Nityananda-rama dasa

HpS-ASA = As the Black Doctor told Janis Joplin, "Honey, you doin jus fine!!". Of course she killed herself... but hey this is not a small deal! Turning Kali-yuga Karma into Goloka Bhava!!!! Right now you seem to be doing very, very well!!!!! Gonna be good resource for so many people.
