ISKCON Warp-World Nine

4 years, 8 months ago by hps in Special Category B

Guy Gismo PhD (Doctor of Phallocracia) aka Uncle Gismo,

Is an Extra Terrestrial being from Warp World Nine (WW9).

He came to Earth some years back when his space ship crashed in the Pacific Ocean and Monkey and Piggy just happened to be passing by in their newly acquired sailboat, Allah's Bold Cruiser.

He immediately took command of the ship and crew and has been a dominating figure in the Anjana Suta Academy ever since.

He is ASA Science Officer, President of the ASA Civil Deadman's Club and Chairman of the ASA Supreme Undifferentiated Absolute Commando. The ultimate managing authority of the ASA.


He describes that his world, WW9, is a plane, and planet, [kind of like cigar and cigarette] just like this world . . . only different.

There is an ISKCON there.


He has observed that in The European Heaven:

  1. The British are the police,
  2. the Germans are the mechanics,
  3. the French are the lovers,
  4. the Italians are the cooks and
  5. the Swiss are the judges.

In The European Hell:

  • The Germans are the police,
  • the British are the cooks,
  • the Swiss are the lovers,
  • the French are the mechanics and
  • the Italians are the judges.


Focusing on French poets he has heard with interest the phrases:

  • No man can sink so low that some dog or some women won't love him.
  • No one ever finished a poem (or Power-point Show?). They just stopped working on it.
  • Everyone should be allowed to talk to himself, as long as he proves to be amusing.
  • I would rather live as if there was a God and find out their isn't, than live as if there wasn't one and find out there is. (Camus<Pascal)

He also heard with great enlightenment that one time, in WW9, one ISKCON French Sannyasi had a fall down and married his Brahmacarini secretary.   Two new French Bhaktas in the B'cari Ashrama were talking about it, and one of them said , "Srila Prabhupada said that if a Sannyasis goes back to Grhastha Ashrama and gets married, it is like a dog eating his own vomit!!!!".  🤨

"... and the other French Brahmacari said, "Ahhhh, yes . . . but look at the quality of the vomit!" 💪💪👍

The first nodded and said with some contrition, "Ahhh, yes. It is a fact. It is a fact".