On Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 02:04:21 PM CDT, raghupati das <raghu x x x > wrote:
Dear Hanumat Presak Maharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
It's been a long while since we have been in touch. I hope and pray that you are keeping well with your health and showering nectar through your preaching. We are fine here in England in the midst of the pandemic. Somehow Krsna is keeping us safe. I have become aware that you have had a global conference on education. Hope it went well.
Maharaja, apart from my teaching commitments in the University, I am also teaching Bhakti Sastri courses for Leicester temple. I have just finished Sri Isopanisad and will be starting Srimad Bhagavad-gita next. I had prepared some teaching materials long back but have lost it somehow. I wonder if you might be able to share your teaching resources for a BS course including powerpoint slides, quizzes etc. The material will be used only for teaching purposes. Please let me know if this might be a possibility.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your servant
Raghupati Das
Jaya Sri Rama,
Esteemed Raghupati Daa,
Paoho..... AgtSP! It is so nice to hear from you. It is like finding a box full of Janmastami laddus three days after Janmasatami!
We post our news in www.JayaRama.Us
From that you can see we are overwhelmed by the quantity of work to do. This Blog is 90% our priority in trying to deal with our communications. Six more people will see this dialog and have their questions answered.
ASA does not formally teach Bh.S., Bh.Vai., but we do curriculume development etc.
Some of the stuff we have is in the Archives at our website, www.JayaRama.US.
If you go there you will find a series of files starting "tpp-". In those you can find some materials for Bh.S. (eg. iso... BG...).
Hope these can help you on the way.
Please write here! We all want to hear your news!!
HpS - ASA.