Hare Krsna Maharaja, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Por favor, acepte mis humildes y sinceras reverencias.
Me gustaría presentarme. Soy Nicole Silva, de Chile. Estudio Ayurveda y Yoga en la escuela Dhatri con Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura Dasa y su esposa Gita Vali Dasi.
Estudié Ingeniería Civil en Obras Civiles, y trabajo part-time en una empresa que se dedica a la instalación de sistemas solares térmicos y fotovoltaicos.
La primera vez que lo conocí, fue en el 2012, en una conferencia que se realizó en la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez organizado por Madhumangala Dasa, donde adquirí mi primer Bhagavad-Gita el cual usted firmó.
Desde ese entonces comencé a seguir, o más bien, intento seguir, el proceso que nos presentó Srila Prabhupada.
En ese entonces seguía siendo estudiante, y decidí pasar mis vacaciones de verano en el templo. Allí experimenté cosas maravillosas, que las atesoro a cada momento.
He estado presente en muchas de las conferencias que usted a impartido en Santiago; su humildad, austeridad, prédica y sentido del humor me inspira muchísimo a seguir en este maravilloso camino.
En relación a mi proceso, he estado cantando 16 rondas desde el 2012 con periodos en donde se han visto interrumpidas. Sin embargo, durante los últimos 4-5 meses, he cantado mis rondas todos los días por la mañana antes del amanecer, y me esfuerzo a cada momento para que sean buenas y entusiastas.
Hace ya casi 3-4 meses ingreso a sus clases por GoToMeeting, especialmente a las de Srimad Bhagavatam, y asisto al FMP hace ya 1-2 meses. Me inspira mucho el poder escucharle hablar de Krsna, y me ha entusiasmado a leer el Srimad Bhagavatam, lo cual hago a diario, aunque sea un verso. Usted siempre me ha inspirado y ha provocado que mi corazón salte de emoción, Maharaja, pero nunca antes me había atrevido a escribirle, hasta ahora.
He leído el artículo "Guru Tattva", me lo ha recomendado Jagad-guru Dasa. Eso me removió mucho el corazón, y es la razón gatillante por la que le escribo actualmente Maharaja, porque me gustaría refugiarme en sus pies de loto, si usted me considera suficientemente apropiada como discípula para ayudarle en la misión de Srila Prabhupada.
Agradecida de su tiempo
Nicole Silva, aspirante a sirviente.
HpS -ASA - Your Spanish, AGTSP!!, is so simple and clear that we don't need any translation. If you read the 'guru-tattva.txt' then you should understand our humble conception of our role as guru in ISKCON. Have you been chanting 16-nice rounds and following the four principles for six months now??? How is your relation with the Temple and Amara-gauranga Das et al in Chile.
All of this is rather superficial. Behind all of this Krsna is ALWAYS playing with the external scene. Joking. Boop oop e doop, Haw Rey!
La vida es un gato soñando con carreras de camellos en el desierto?
Hare Krsna Maharaja, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my humble and sincere obeisances.
I would like to introduce myself. I am Nicole Silva from Chile. I study Ayurveda and Yoga at the Dhatri school with Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura Dasa and his wife Gita Vali Dasi. I studied Civil Engineering, and I work part-time in a company that is dedicated to the installation of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.
The first time I met you was in 2012, at a conference held at the Silva Henríquez Catholic University organized by Madhumangala Dasa, where I acquired my first Bhagavad-Gita which you signed.
Since then I started to follow, or rather, I try to follow, the process that Srila Prabhupada presented to us.
I was still a student back then, and I decided to spend my summer vacation at the temple. There I experienced wonderful things, which I treasure every moment.
I have been present in many of the conferences that you have given in Santiago; your humility, austerity, preaching and sense of humor inspire me a lot to continue on this wonderful path.
Regarding my process, I have been singing 16 rounds since 2012 with periods where they have been interrupted. However, for the past 4-5 months, I have sung my rounds every morning before sunrise, and I strive every moment to make them good and enthusiastic.
Almost 3-4 months ago I entered to your classes by GoToMeeting, especially those of Srimad Bhagavatam, and attended FMP 1-2 months ago. I am very inspired to be able to hear you speak about Krsna, and you have inspired me to read Srimad Bhagavatam, which I do daily, even if it is only one verse. You have always inspired me and caused my heart to jump with emotion, Maharaja, but I have never dared to write to you before, until now.
I have read the article "Guru Tattva", it has been recommended to me by Jagad-guru Dasa. That stirred my heart a lot, and it is the triggering reason why I am writing to you today Maharaja, because I would like to take refuge at your lotus feet, if you consider me appropriate enough as a disciple to help you in Srila Prabhupada's mission.
Grateful for your time
Nicole Silva, aspiring servant.