Ter kadamba devi dasi (buenos aires)

4 years, 7 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to sti sri gaura nitai, all glories to srila prabhupada, all glories to you.

yes, I do not sing japa, I do not feel the interest, I only read the new testament, or sometimes the nectar of the instruction, also some books of saints .. I am doing studies online because cannot travel because of the virus(lie).. In less than a year I will be taking medicine (if I don't die) I feel the need to help people, I don't know what I'm doing here, I feel useless and what am I going to do? talk about my good activities? I'm a mess, I don't like lying. I don't like lying to you and this is how I feel. Today I feel other needs and help people and do a job of introspection but I am not constant with my japa. I want to be consistent with helping others. thank you gurudeva for your letter and my obeissances to you.

Ys. Ter kadamba devi dasi

HpS - Thank you!! Very nice. Did you restring our beads one time?

"Debemos conocer la necesidad actual de la sociedad humana." https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/1/preface/

Eso es nuestra idea. Si, necesitamos ayudar todo el mundo vivir in tranquilidad. Pero no somos gorillas o gorillinis. En bondad materialment y entonces buscamos algo mas alto.

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