Gismo - 11! Revista Molinos de Viento (Segunda edición) - Chile

4 years, 7 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Here I leave the link of our magazine.

This was an experiment in our editorial, in the next edition we are going to follow an editorial line more consistent. This edition was made with different topics. The preposition for the next edition is "compassionate and care". What do you think?

ASA - I have no compassion, picture attached, and i don't care. what's in it for me!!

Anyway, I like very much the result. Many devotees work to make this real, Prabhu Carlos Rold, Sruti Piya DD, mother Carolina (wife of Jagad Guru), Jagad Guru das, Parasurama Avatara das, Mother Stefania (Petti), and specially Cintamani Dd, She is the person that works harder on this project, an an amazing soul.

asa - ye yata mam prapadyante...

Thank you Gurudeva, for making this possible.

Your servant

Pyari Mohan das (Your angry clown)

asa - ronald mc donald joins iskcon??? i feel in the mood of jehovah today!!! turn or burn!!! ha! ha! ha!!!! the devil has them!!!