(“Gismo-11) Gracias + clases en Youtube

4 years, 9 months ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada🌼

I want to thank you for your "virtual visit". I really felt that you was here, other spiritual brothers also share this feeling. A very intense feeling that has filled me with spiritual strength. Thank you.

HpS - Was the same for us! We miss the association of all ISKCON Argentina, devotees very much. It is a part of the spiritual world. It will be there in original form as we progress to Goloka.

Hari wants to listen your classes (as a unquiet child). I notice that he seems to be distracted but then he remembers some things and comments , especially about Krsna or Animals. He have many questions about the universe and the spiritual world, he want to know how everything works. He is very attached to saying "bye" “ HARI BOL” at the end of the meetings. If he doesn't, he cries.

For me it is a daily challenge to understand his emotions, guide him and not repress him unnecessarily. As it is said in the Bhagavad Gita, the mind is like a child. Understanding this helps me see that it is natural for him to get frustrated quickly, the need to be focused and entertaining it s important. Boredom is a disaster.

HpS - That is the real force of Maya at the time of death. We become very depressed. Learning to help him will teach you to control your mind, no?

We are editing and uploading to the Asa Audiovisual youtube channel the classes that you sent via Twitter. Thank you for constantly finding a way to engage us in service.

These are the links:

Hector Bejar & Srila Prabhupada


Sri Caitanya y los 5 mantras


Viaje a Occidente


C.C. Adi Lila 7.3


your servant, Vrsabhanu Nandini DD

HpS - ASA -- We were not so strict about sending the twitter links because we did not get any feedback about people wanting them. Now we are more motivated! Gotomeeeting erases them after about 3 or 6 months.

Please keep sending them and then maybe we can send some of the important ones that you are missing.

Thank you so much! Super success to your Sankirtan! Mother, Daughter, Wife, SUPER GIRL!(Our Photo Added)