URGENT -PRIORITY CODE-“Gismo-11”! Personal Sadhana -Daily Activity

4 years, 9 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances...All glories to you...All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj thank you so much for replying to my letter and annual report. I feel very lucky and blessed to get your association through letters. Eagerly Waiting for day when I will get an opportunity to see you in person. Awaiting for the day when you will be coming to our house and give us an opportunity to serve you.

Guru Maharaj I am chanting sixteen rounds daily and following four regulative principles. I have started reading Bhagavatham and I have finished reading 7th Chapter of the 1st Canto. We are reading Bhagavatham Canto 3 and Nectar of Devotion together and completed 8 Chapters. Due to Pandemic situation Temple Activities are minimised...still i get an opportunity to see Sri Radha Kalachandji on Wednesdays as I have Tulasi Seva.

Guru Maharaj by your mercy I have started doing Bhakti Shastri with HG Arudha Mataji...and also finished studying Nectar of Instruction and gave the exam on the same. Now we are doing Isopanishad. I remember you giving instruction to me "Get ready for second initiation". Hopefully I complete Bhakti Shastri and get ready for 2nd Initiation. Eagerly waiting to dress the deities in the temple and cook for them.

Guru Maharaj you told me read Japa Joe. I have read the same. It is so wonderful that you have summarised the important of chanting in the just 18 pages. Its an amazing book Guru Maharaj. One thing which got nailed in my mind is the example which you mentioned, which states KRISHNA will appear the same way as you chant. If you chant attentively hearing every syllable Krishna will appear in a beautiful way. But if you are not properly saying the syllables Krishna will appear ugly. Guru Maharaj you wanted me to help in the book. I have never done book editing but by your causeless mercy i will be able to do it. Please guide me as to how i can be of any help. I will be very fortunate to be at your service...

Yours Humble Servant

Divya Sri devi dasi

ASA - O.K. See if you think it needs editing. I was thinking maybe a few more: Return of the Joe, Japa Joes Goes to Harvard; Japa Joe's Last Bead; Son of the Joe.....