Serving to Srila Prabhupada!

4 years, 7 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category A

Hare krishna dear Guru Maharaja PAMHO AGTSP!

I just want to thank you for your great service to the founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada during all this years, I guess it hasn´t been easy to keep so strong as you are, many sanyasis have fallen in this process, and you have kept serving very nicely.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. It may be that they have done more work than others, and their faults must be taken in consideration with the service they have done, no?

I only have words to appreciate your service and I feel so proud about having a great Sanyasi as guru.


I have been sort of remembering so many moments I spent with you when you became a guru (1994-95).

I enjoy listening to your online classes, they are fantastic! I am eager to see you soon. I hope I can travel abroad to see you and serve you.

I know it is difficult to associate with all the devotees, especially when there is envy, or hipocrisy, we have so many bad habits and mental disorders that we can´t be good godbrothers and godsisters, because KC is about being better human beings.

Some devotees have more Sukriti than others and therefore we get better Karma sometimes, and that is the reason others do not understand that.

HpS - Ah... very interesting idea.

I have better relationship with some godbrothers, it seems that there is Radharani´s side and Candravali´s side, but this is the material world, we have to continue and fight for our own well-being.

What can we do?

your fallen servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami Dasa

HpS - Thank you for your letters. Your participation in ISKCON after so many years of working successfully in other institutions is very valuable.

Like you suggest 1. We have to be a part of the institution. That's fomal, but it is general spiritual life. then 2) We have to find friends and develope friendships with like minded people. then 3) We have to have our own direct connection to Srila Prabhupada through his books, paramatma, other devotees that we can use properly, Deity etc.

Hope to hear mor news from you about YOUR ISKCON Mexico.