Answer Guru Maharaja’s Birthday Letter

4 years, 7 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Other

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to you, please accept my humble obeisances;

My current body birthday is July 27, 1984, I’m becoming a yoguini by your causless mercy, Thank You so much Guru Maharaja for Your time, patience and answering my questions, I have many, I would like, one day to became a pure devotee and I know that would happen only by Your and Krishna’s Mercy, so I beg for it, I’m also advancing in asanas and pranayama practice, Thank You so much for Your asociación, I am attending morning program in GoToMeeting , and by Your mercy, I am understanding things I haven’t before, tomorrow I’m giving Bhagavad Gita Class, through Iskcon Chile, please give me Your blessings 🙏🏼,

Thank You so Much,

Your servant,

Dhanistha devi dasi