North American Sastra Symposium - Final Invite

4 years, 8 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

We wrote to Sesa Das, Srivasa pandita Das, Hari-lila, Radha-krsna, Nila-mani, Gauranga-darshana, Atula K Das, Gopi-gita, Subra Devi Dasi et al:


Esteemed Teachers, Students and Educational Administrators,

Paoho... We sent a previous letter about our efforts to organize a Sastra-sam-mela on the 4-7th of June. Of course, the physical idea was in Houston, Texas but because of the Karuna-virus we have gone virtual.

We got strong letter response from Bali-mardana Das and Srivasa pandita Das in San Jose, California, and with Bali started meeting each Friday.

Srivasa gave excellent list of questions, topics.

This is like a Last Call for Registration. 

With Bali we were going over the hoped participation and then from that setting the topics and the sessions. We hope that Gauranga and Atul can be available in the mornings (for us, evening for them) of 5th and 6th. Maybe Gauranga can also give a SB class on one day. Of course, we have to consider the quality of the connection. We can discuss general BOEX, North American relations, Vidyapitha relations... We also want to promote some participation of Latin American educators.

The above list includes our desired core team,but we can include more people as observers and general participants. This is the first year.  We hope it to be a family affair.


First is who am I?   I am HpS  and I want to discuss the content and distribution of the Bhaktivedanta Purports through Academic means with others.

Second who are we?  So far it is formally me, Srivasa and Balimardana. That's enough. We have their ideas of what they want, but who else is going to join.... What are you aims?

Third  - Schedules etc.

We are meeting with The Balimardana Das on Fridays. Please join!

nunc aut loquetur pacem in sempiternum tenere

Speak now or forever hold your peace