Tarangasksi Devi Dasi

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Mataji's Report in the Blog will not Answer!

Seems that maybe if the Protector of Ladies has the same e-mail address the Robot rejects it.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

2019 was a year to take decisions about my life. I decided to do a service in the pujari for Radha Madhana Vihari and to participate in Mangala Aratik program, once a week. At home, I was trying to participate in the FMP program. All this things helped me to increase my faith, determination, trust and love to Radha Krishna. I always talk with Krishna about my troubles and doubts. I know that He listen to me because I always find an answer. I'm trying to develop the desire to wish that the will of the Lord be done. This helped me a lot to have detachment from the result.

I continue doing therapies with ghee lighters and yoga mantras. This is helping people who need it a lot. And it is a good stimulus to inquire about God. Therefore, I'm considering your recommendations: sadhana (in Brahma Muhurta), 16 good rounds and lecture of the Sastras.

Dear Gurudeva, I finish this year with the security and tranquility of have found my way. When you return to Peru, I would like to talk you more about this realization.

Thanks a lot for accepting me as your disciple and please, forgive all my offenses.

Your most fallen servant,

Tarangaksi Devi Dasi

HpS - Super!!!! Thank you so much.... You can see that we are a Second or Third class Guru. Take us so long to do this service of answering letters. Fortunately Srila Prabhupada is taking personal interest in your spiritual development. We are all O.k.

Didn't get back to Lima!!! Maybe we can discuss some of your realizations in this Blog with the Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code from the Kapi Dhvaja!!!!!!