On Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:12:25 PM CDT, Hanumatpresaka Swami wrote:
Esteemed Maharaja, Maharsi Atul-krsna Das,
Agt SP!!! Here we are still restrained to Murfreesboro, TN. We are making progress in uprooting our demoniac tendencies, by the unlimited mercy of His Divine Grace, and association of ISKCON devotees...
Here is the link for a SB class given by H. G. Gandharva Das. He is our 'disicple', a university professor for 25-years, a real gentleman, excellent wife.... Peru.
We are having regular SB classes daily. This is our idea of what makes a BhVaibhavin: Association with people who like to hear and explain and contemplate the SB and, and then have developed the systems, techniques, for that association. Of course, the first is given by Srila Prabhupada, daily SB class!!!
- About 51-devotees on-line now for our ASA SB class.
- Bi-lingual.
- Focusing on Argentina for three weeks, so it is 5.30-6.30AM (<img src="https://s.yimg.com/nq/yemoji_assets/latest/yemoji_assets/1f62c.png" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"><img src="https://s.yimg.com/nq/yemoji_assets/latest/yemoji_assets/1f62c.png" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"><img src="https://s.yimg.com/nq/yemoji_assets/latest/yemoji_assets/1f62c.png" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16">)
try - ing to develop the Question Bank for Cantos One and Two based up these principles: Sadhu-sanga, Study Techniques, Content. It is taking a while... We are studying like a BhVai student would study, so what ever questions we develop will be relevant to such a person.
Wish we could go faster.
Not aiming for perfection.
Just trying to get a decent product off for the BOEX (and our own Anjana Suta Academy).
We sent the First Canto work to you.
I finished SB 2.1 today. It has been of such personal benefit for me! Gandharva Das has questions for Chapter Two and Isvari-radha Devi Dasi has been working on Chapter Three.
... now we should be able to work out the Short Answer Closed Book and Open Book Essay/Oral Defense questions for the end of the Canto on this First Module: SG ==> MP.
Then.... depending on your advice, we will just review our work in terms of the Vidyapitha's manuals and go ahead to Module Two.... Brahma to Narad!!! Going to Goloka!!!
His lecture demonstrates the FULL DIDACTIC and PEDALOGIC background of this questions. He explains (5) five kinds of university level questions.
He speaks English fluently.
The class is in Spanish and English.
...... please tell us how we can improve our relationship with the BOEX work, MOE work in Hispanic world, and if you think I am right that we should start to turn THE BIG GUNS of the MOE [BOEX] on poor little Gandharva Das and blast him for the EC etc.
(We got other candidates also.)
Thank you!
May you be the Masters of a Million Monkeys.
(Photos: Members of ASA Supreme Absolute, Undifferentiated Comando Attached.)