News from NASA

4 years, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj 


How are you managing in these circumstances. Sorry I haven't communicated much. Read Prahalad prayers which is just fantastic. 

Pray for Lord Mercy on all of us

Respects, Hari Bol, Rknd


Hare Krsna, Prabhu et al,

We are struggling to be pure devotees! We have been in Murfreesboro for weeks now.

For the benefit of our reading audience, RKnd Das is a former astronaut or some such service for Nasa. He was invited to be the first man on the moon I think but decided to go to the Houston Temple for the Sunday Feast instead.

He is an avid SB reader and our long time associate from Houston. Mataji is an equally avid scholar.

Prabhu, we do very little communication outside of this Blog, because we are too stupid to function without 9-other people looking at us. Join here. Post news on your research into the service of Bhagavan.

We also send our daily news from here and fortnightly from the web page... www.JayaRama.US.


Join us here and send your research results!! Respects to your esteemed family.