GISMO-9....pANDAvEYA prsni dAS. sPAIN.

4 years, 9 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru deva, Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Agt SP

Agt Guru and Gauranga! Jay Nimai Jay Nitai!!!!!

Mis reverencias humildes!

I very well Gurudeva. Rounds, principles, etc. etc. The truth is that I am very very happy in my heart. The material world has no solution ... hahaha

I would like to comment on something that is on my mind.

Srila Prabhupada commented that maybe one day people could come to communicate with Krsna through technology, after all, all energies come from the same origin, and science believes so ... and religious , spiritualists, and mystic yogis.

I was turning my head about the false ego, the contamination of our body, internally and externally, esoterically and exoterically, the cultivation of personality ... it's funny that in Spanish, a “cultivo” is where microorganisms or flora can live.

Perhaps, a body that changes its body flora, because, the gross body, is a construction of single-celled organisms, then, perhaps, with perfect hygiene, with a specific bio-electric culture (mantras-precious metals (gold, etc.) yajña ashes, vibrational technology, etc etc ... we can change our false ego at once (of course, not our spiritual level)

Perhaps, like the tales from Africa that when they came across a species other than the human species, a corpse, or they were killed, reptilians or gray heads and those things, they ate their meat hidden in a hole in the ground, and after the experience, if they survived fevers, they might have different perceptions.

Or like the child that some aliens? they gave him a very rare cube to eat, and then his whole life changed. He was a very different person, enlightened, in a sense we could say.

Like the mystic yogis, who practiced under banyan trees, but not the tree of paintings, with many lianas, but in another ficus, the ficus ashvattha, (ficus religiosa, Bhodisattva tree), the one described by Krsna in the Bhagavad gita 10.26 .

That tree, a person of confidence told me, I have not verified it, that it is the only tree in the world that does not emit o2 to the environment, but O3, ozone, which is a very strong oxidant, much more than oxygen. Chlorine dioxide is slightly less than oxygen. Is it a gaseous salt, like magic? Hahaha

Perhaps, that has a very mystical reason, perhaps, that oxidation of emitted ozone, makes the transformation of the false ego more easily possible. A certain kind of oxidation, such as diet, hours, etc. etc. Oxidize dirty false ego to pure false ego. No ghost or magic???

Perhaps the serpents of religious mythology that we eat are a kind of parasite, which allows life for a specific false ego .... === ??? &&&

An English saying says "cleanliness is synonymous with holiness."

Asanas and pranayama is not really yoga, it is only cleansing to be able to grow internally more easily (clean, elevated false ego?)

Maybe technology invents a pill that allows the body to cleanse itself of pathogens, toxins, parasitic static electric charges, etc etc, and we can have a body with a pure false ego .... but I imagine that just as blind to spiritual life ... but something is something, right ???

Technology, like what Prabhupada said. Another elaborate way to find the purity of the body, so that it helps to see more clearly the transcendental truth.

Maybe certain aliens or races already know about this, but they don't have Gurus to overcome material perfection. Will it be like feeling sad and without a future in the perfect world?

And if this technology were used for the opposite ???? ... ummmm¡¡¡ today??¡¡¡

Excuse me Gurudeva, I didn't want to disturb you, I just thought that maybe you would be amused to read such a twisted vision of Srila Prabhupada's teachings.

If I have made you laugh for a moment I will feel happy.

I believe that Vrndavan is the personal sound of Krsna, like our own sacred sound of yoga, and the sound of Krsna's flute is a specific invitation to his intimate life.

Thank you for allowing me to have contact with Krsna.

A very big greeting, and my most humble obeisances.

Have I made you laugh ????

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

HpS - You made Monkey and Piggy frown. They have concluded that here is a man that is more crazy than them... and that you should work with Uncle Gismo.

UG: Respected, Person of Twisted Vision, please consider text You may find an interesting hint there. Awaiting your comments.