Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,
You are the soul who has given us glimpse of what a disciple, there might be many others. but for us you are the man.
ASA - You are utterly lost. We, Monkey and Piggy, know with all certainty that HpSwami is 77.37% nuts! Yes, crazy, but.... Srila Prabhupada can make useful tools even out of MUD! AgtSP! Use HpS as a manifestation of SP's mercy!!
...please find a introductory video on Iskcon Bhagavatam Mahavidyalaya. It seems it is in Vrindavan
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Gopinath Seva Dham, Opposite Vaishno Devi Temple, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg Vrindavan 281121
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trying to follow
wish could physically die for you,
killing ego is difficult than killing body
ASA - Yes, it grows back in so many evil forms: Pig, Monkey, Scientist, Man, Machine, Horse!!!
We can't look at the Vidyalaya stuff right now. We have to cut the bush next to our path or it will push us and our guests off the path into The Pit!! Then Hawaii class. We will keep the references. We hear about them from the MOI Executive committee and maybe they are doing a program that is a little independent.