Daughter of Sr. Raktaka Das!

4 years, 8 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guruji,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please Accept my Humble Obeisances.

Thank you again for your reply. As you know, I am always so excited to see what you reply. Thank you for your wisdom always.

HpS - Thank you for your association. What do you think of the Kapi Dhvaja? How can we improve it??

I believe I have finally come the conclusion to study a Bachelor of Design.

HpS - Yes, we have heard of many Designing Women! Now you can perfect the art!

Although I'm not 10000% certain but I will be making the changes to transfer unis. Just DO IT, as NIKE says. I think this is a good choice. And there are always elective subjects I can take, and as you suggested, psychology. From next semester I will start and we will see how things go from there.

HpS - Again history can be good. Thing is to look for good teachers and learn from them, not so important the subject. Dovetail the subject to some diploma but ask who are the inspiring teachers!!

I always wanted a part time job. And last Ekadasi I was asked to make the notice board for Govindas as service. Janardan (temple president now) was there and I was working. And at the end of the day he offered for me to work on Saturday. Krsna responded. I did not expect this at all, but it was a great opportunity. Some extra pocket money for travel, etc. JAI. I did apply to quite a few jobs. Of course I think it may be better, professionally speaking, to get a job elsewhere, but I am still happy. Actually, I was called for an interview a while back to Fotofast (a film developing shop) and since I love film I thought it'd be perfect. Anyway, they never called back. I guess it was the plan.

Now, I have 2 questions he he:

  1. When I asked about chanting while driving, what about clickers? Are they okay? Bonafide?

ASA - We should do minimum 16-good rounds on beads, but we should chant as much as we can anyway. Clickers help. Little malas of 18-beads help... Krsna will never punish us for chanting 16-nice rounds on beads. He will always reward us with a beautiful, spectacular, family, motorcycles, Potbelly pigs etc.

  1. During the break-fast time on Dvadasi, sometimes they are quite early and us children sleep too much XD. SO then mother puts some grain in our mouth. Does it matter if our teeth have not been brushed? Sorry if this is a very silly question. If I don't know the answer now, it will eat at me.

HpS - It's O.K.!!

Thank you in advance for reading and answering this fools questions. I appreciate your time. I know you have a very busy schedule.

The rules are easing here in Australia actually. I hope that once quarantine is over, we may meet again. Haribooolll!!

HpS - Some opinions that this is just the beginning of the end of the Industrial Age. Krsna is beginning to force us to move back to a nice village and grow apples and make Deisigner apple pies.

Your servant,


HpS - How is The Bhima? The Aunt's husband?