Piggy-1 - Sita Navami Class

4 years, 8 months ago by srinath in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We just completed our move in to our new house and celebrated our first festival here. Divya Sri dressed Nitai Navadwipcandra beautifully and made a nice feast for Nrsimhadeva.

By your mercy, we are ready to start the Bhakti Sastri course in Dallas. We opened registrations on Sunday at 10 a.m and within 15 mins, our capacity of 20 seats were filled. There is lots of interest in the yatra here. We want to start small and then expand in a scalable manner.

We are starting with NoI and are starting the first class on 17-May-2020, Sunday, between 3pm-5pm. Till congregation is allowed in the temple, we are going to have it online.

Please bless us so that we can please Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji and Their devotees with this endeavor.

I got a message from Sucarya Mataji, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who lives in Dallas, that she wanted me to pass on to you. Below is the message she sent me to pass it on to you after listening to your class on Sita Navami.

Hare Krishna. Listened to a conference today where you G M was speaking.He made very good points from a scientific standpoint.

Ladies always need protection and I feel the men are very respectful and very encouraging in our devotional services .

Thank you. Just say that I really appreciated his words. they were brilliant. And very Krishna conscious thank you.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HPS - Thank you. ! We experience that a LOT of devotees join, but then there is a pretty good atrition rate. Try to help them but don't be discouraged if not everyone is first class!!