Hare Krsna Querido Gurudev

4 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

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Hare Krishna.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances to you lotus feet.

Dear Gurudev hope you are in a safe place, when ambo told us thats the tickets are cancelled my mind get calm and my heart broke. But you’re so merciful and give us the chance to still engange in some service. Something I learn is invent service and i began a Kirtan from home, where the devotees can connect from their homes and do Kirtan, for Rama Navami we done 13 hours of transmition and many devotees participate. Many Challenges everyday, some problems, contacting devotees, explain, check connection, schedule, senior devotees are participating too. Make a few months I told you i beginning a SADHU SANGA program (wich not prospered) but when i told you about that you answer me, thats it should maintain me, and i feel this is happening with the Kirtan, it maintain me reading pending of devotees, thinking in propagate the holy names, and think about Srila Prabhupada. More than 2000 people are part of this group. I’m learning a lot of things. Some time trying to control my mind, my senses, devotees relationships, my goal, my sincerity, if I have a clear objetive my mind will be fixed.

You always ask me about my husband, N. Gaurananda Das, well he’s a really nice person always with many projects to mintain and take care of our family.

In this quarentine we are 24 hours together, and we really enjoy the time together. He´s doing Home Office. 

We hope can do our fire marriage any other moment.

In July will do 4 years from our marriage.

When we have meeting with my guru father-in-law Srila Virabahu Maharaja he told us 4 things because the persons get married.

1- needing

2 - yajña

3- responsability

4 - art of relationship 

We always have it present, and we really try to be good each other. And add up.

About his services, like he is disculpe of our GBC, and live 6 years in the temple, he’s part of Administrative comission of the temple, and national administration group. His services are Initiation departament in charge, part of communication dpt. and nexus to help in education dpt.

Already we're living with my father, like my mom left her body, and we're constructing our home next by his, we live here temporary, soon like 6 months or 1 year, we want to move, the home will not be finished but we need our place to not perturb my dad rithym, he is a great person, really help un in everything he can. 

Thank you so much Gurudev for take care of us, always asking about our life.

Today is Rama Navami and many thing happen, tomorrow my dad will have an urgent laser surgery, i'm worried but Krsna controls.

Sorry for my long letter, many time yous ask me questions and i never answer, sorry for that.

Your small servant.

Rati Mañjari DD