News from Radhakunda

4 years, 7 months ago by radhakundamataji in Personal Sadhana Reports




My dear guruji:

HpS - Esteemed devotee!

I'm reporting the situation from the holy dhama.

In the district of Mathura, which includes Mathura, vrndavan, govardhan, nanda gaon, varsana and radhakund there are reported 22 cases, 14 in Mathura, 2 in vrndavan, the rest in the other places, so since we are in red zone, we have another lockdown, now until middle may.

I have stopped my radhakund seva since garbage is involved there and we don't know who threw it, I will start again when this situation gets better.

But, as the marketing people say, we are in a "win-win strategy" that is, if we survive we are in the dhama trying to do seva, if we don't then, if we are qualified, we are going back home, or at least, as you say "We are going to get a blade of grass or monkey body in radhakund".

HpS - !

We are in the hands of Radha-Kunja Bihari and we know they have a plan for everyone of us, we only have to think how to serve them better each remaining day, that is our goal.

Giridhari got stuck in Navadvip, he went for preaching with gurubhais to Bengal and in Tripura people asked him to stay longer, which he did, he was in Assam with Krsna Svarup and family for some days and then he went to navadvip to visit some people there and then the lockdown came and he could not move from there, let's see when he's coming back and if he wants to come back since he's very happy there without attachments and familiar concerns.

In his absence we had to make some changes here at home, my daughter is in charge of Radharani's kitchen and gardening and I am in the temple serving Radha Kunja bihari as pujari.

I really did not know how many details this seva involves, I use to go to the temple for sringar arati and said "they look beauriful" but I did not imagine how much endeavour is it, to check dresses and jewelry to keep them clean and unbroken, to pick tulasi and flowers, garlands, paraphernalia, keep the temple clean, to be aware of the special festivals like jahnmastami, radhastami, Rama navomi, candan yatra, etc to make special dresses and decoration, wow. Now I u understand and recognize the pujaris all around the world "please pujarijis accept my humble obeisances"

I remember Aindra prabhu told me once "everything you give and serve Nitai Gour is ok because they are very merciful and they do not see our mistakes, but for Radha Krsna you should be perfect" and I know I'm very far from being perfect so please my dear Guru Maharaja bestow your causeless mercy upon me to serve them better every day.

%%%^In relation with Haridev's school we had to enhance his home schooling. His mother is teaching him Hindi, Bengali and English and I'm trying to teach him the "boring subjects" as some people say like geography, biology and maths, but he's very inquisitive and when we change the theme he asks "first tell me what the Vedas say to this respect".

Sometimes I know and other times I run to the Srimad Bhagavatam to learn myself to teach him properly.

Here I have a doubt, I have heard that Vedas have the idea that the earth is not round or oval as we have learned from time immemorial, but flat or something like that and if so, then I don't understand things like transition from day to night, phases of the moon, or seasons of the year for example pls enlight me to this respect and if you know someone who can help me to have a curriculum for these subjects based on the Vedas it would help me very much.

HpS - I think the cosmology video we did for Aravinda Das for Mexico is in the ASA Audiovisual channel in youtube. There are just different maps. One is the globe, round model. That is fine.

Akincana das from Mexico and Gour Gadadhar from Peru are lockdowned in Mayapur. Akincana is very sad because he has not been able to come to vrndavan, please pray for him so he can get it.

I pray everyday to Radharani to take care of you so you can guide us all to her side.

Thank you very much, my dear gurudev, because you read all our distressed and concerns and advise us wisely to get through them.

Jaya Sri Radhe-Kunja Bihari no jaya!!!

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya devi dasi

HpS - This is very old letter. We are trying to notify everyone with this old letters:

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Of course, Radha-Kunda, Sri Vrndavana Dhama, is the greatest news in the world. Eg. A pig crossed the street. That is valuable news for us from Radha kunda!