[kdpc] Gurukula

4 years, 8 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I want to show you a draft of a Gurukula project I have. I would appreciate a lot if you could give me a feedback, opinion, advice or perspective of it.

asa - ha! ha! hare! monkey and piggy advice! buy a bicycle for everyone.

Teaching at University showed me that It is better to focus in education of children from 10 to 17 years old. They are mature enough to manifest their nature/varna, and young enough to modify their character.

asa - Jaya!

I think in a school as a complement to the national educational system, and for everybody, not only Iskcon children. With a central department which manifests everything, and schools everywhere.

asa - functional. we never went to the moon, women are less intelligent, black people are sinful, women like men who are expert a rape, God is a very large red Hog with a big club, carbon dating is wrong, people did live to be 1000 years, the sun is closer to the earth than the moon. After school education!!! 😎 Srila Prabhupada left a little work for us.

Please, devotees with experience in the educational field (Purnamasi dd, Radhika Raman, Laksman Agraja, Gandharva, Abhiram Takhur Prabhus, etc) also your input is welcome.

This is the link to download a pitch of the project. (if you can not download it, please tell me where I can send it)


HpS - Does not load. Needs a Sign In??????

For further inquiries please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you,

Your servant,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Quiero mostrarle un borrador de un proyecto de Gurukula que tengo. Le agradecería mucho si pudiera darme su aporte, opinión, consejo o perspectiva.

La enseñanza en la Universidad me mostró que es mejor centrarse en la educación de niños de 10 a 17 años. Son lo suficientemente maduros para manifestar su naturaleza / varna, y lo suficientemente jóvenes como para modificar su carácter.

Pienso en una escuela como complemento del sistema educativo nacional, y para todos, no solo para los niños de Iskcon. Con un departamento central que manifiesta todo, y escuelas en todas partes.

Por favor, devotos con experiencia en el campo educativo (Purnamasi dd, Radhika Raman, Laksman Agraja, Gandharva, Abhiram Takhur Prabhus, etc.) también sus comentarios son bienvenidos.

Este es el enlace para descargar una presentación del proyecto. (si no puede hacerlo, por favor indicar donde podemos enviarlo)


Para más consultas, pueden contáctarme en [email protected]


Su sirviente,

Nikunja Bihari das