Hanumat Preshak Swami. Humbles and Glories.
Greetings from Santiago Chile.
While I was in Mayapur, Jayapataka Swami told me "You should go to Chile " 🌎 with no explanation why.
Anantagauranga Prabhu is from Chile and suggested that I could get a job teaching English in Santiago. 📚 It sounded like a good idea so I came here to give it a go.🛬
Then the carona hysteria lockdown shipwrecked me inside the ISKCON center. 😱I was given service in the kitchen to be of some use. 🥖Jayapataka Swami told the devotees that he was happy that I am here. When Jayapataka Swami is happy everyone is happy.
ASA - Except the Demons. 😎
The temple is managed by Bhakta Sebastian and a few other new devotees. The president comes once a week, in the afternoon. The GBC does not have a strong presence.
It would help if the GBC and gurus had more time to spend in Santiago! ⏳Jayapataka Swami came last year and gave a boost of inspiration.🚀
HpS - We have been spending one month every year, but our trip was cancelled this year by the pandemic. As far as I know Bhakti Bhusana Swami also comes regularly and Maha-visnu Swami and Hari nama ruci have been coming. Of course, you are there setting the proper example of Goloka life!
Sebastian wants initiation from Mahatma Prabhu and Bhaktin Phyllis is striving for Maha Vishnu Swami. Elroy for Bhakti Bhushan Maharaj. Bhakta Liisiano wants to get in line with your disciples.🗿
HpS - Is that Bhakta Luciano?
x x x (Censored because it is a comment of a lower category.)😁
It didn't take long for everyone to figure out that I am in a much lower category.
HpS - They are very clever that way! (Ha! Ha! Ha!)
You asked for suggestions so this is mine. Have some real senior devotees come to Chile and stay.🐒
HpS - We discussed that above. I think it may be that you are only getting a view of the Yatra during the Pandemic. Again, we spend 1/12 of our time there each year and run into other "senior" devotees often there. Write again with 1. How you actually fought the battle to improve your participation in the situation and 2. How you joined that with another devotee who was doing the same!!
"Inch by inch, it's always a cinch", Vaisesika Das
Sus Mishra Bhagavan Dasa