Temple Commander

4 years, 8 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

Esteemed Piyari-mohan Das,

AGTSP. Paoho. Thank you for the very long letter with so many thoughts, questions. We will try to write more about these themes in the DTC. One point that really struck me is the post of Temple Commander. This is a title that Srila Prabhupada used. I think that the Temple President was more like a older, respected Brahmana who could represent the Temple on developing its strategy and the Temple Commander was the direct, on site manager.

Of course, a lot of management is leading by example. Other than that it is like learning to be a cook for Krsna, or a Pujari, or a street book distributor etc.

The main thing is that unless it is based upon Vaisnava relations it is practically impossible in Kali-yuga. BG is the instruction to do your Ksatriya duty, but as service to Me, Krsna.

We chant Hare Krsna and work together as friends. Those who are not on the Madhyama level have to be innocent, willing to accept instructions based on the scripture and Acharya's instructions.

Whatever service we take the Supreme Lord personally takes the responsibility to see that it is successful. I have been Temple President several times. It is not my nature and Krsna appreciated that and I did not do it well naturally, but it was necessary, so we did it.

Most important thing is Vaisnava relations, we (like to) hear and discuss SB together. chant Japa, Kirtan together and then spread these things together.

  1. So, chant and get good intelligence from the Supersoul.
  2. Talk with about five or six nice devotees about what specific service you should do.
  3. Look for instructions that you can personally take to heart from Prabhupada's books

Of course, Temple, GBC authorities can fit into #2, but in any case we always have proper relationship with the Administrative side of our institution, even if that means fighting to correct polluted management situations.

There can be no ISKCON as a healthy institution without GBC Secretaries and Sannyasis.

You are also doing the magazine. It seems very nice. Again, 1, 2, 3 above. We are committed to Vipalvah as General Editor for this year. Everyone knows this, then we want to be only a resource on the advisory board.

Live in the temple, share an apartment outside, stay with parents etc. etc. We can't give too much detailed advice because we don't know the details.

Let us look at some other letters.