Viplavah article

4 years, 10 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Ok, I will write a short article for Viplavah. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. It is only because you are asking me to do it that it is going to be possible for me to accomplish it.

HpS - I could only ask you because the request was given to me from above! 👇

If you think it is ok, I would like to talk about a future where Education is different for boys and girls. After some years working with kids, I am completely sure that boys and girls need different ways of education.


And with this affirmation, what I mean is not only that they should work on different subjects (also some of them in common, of course) but they should have also a different approach to them.

This Covid-19 situation is being a proof for students and teachers in a moment when Education can not exist without new technologies. I think this is going to make a difference in the future too, in different ways.

So, Gurudeva, this is the idea (first brainstorm) about what I could, humbly, write about. What do you think? How many words should have the article, more or less?

HpS - "A man's leg should be long enough to reach the ground" - Abraham Lincoln. For Viplavah about two pages, maximum.

Now that I am writing to you, this morning, in the SB lecture, you talked about a song, wrote by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, with 20 verses, that we could find in KKS website. Could you please, tell me the title of this song?

ASA - It is a SUPER SONG. I think Bh. Vinode Th. worked on it for several months and when it was published it was like a hurricane hit the island! More that one lifetime to appreciate it. Hope you can use it.

Sorry for being so unsuitable.

Your aspirant to be your humble servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi