KDPC report 22

4 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP.

i dont know i meet various people in ISKCON all smiling, but somehow nobody resembles you.

here we had fight with our wife, and we are in room in ISKCON varanasi. We are very much relieved by staying away from them, just video chat is ok for us. Only concern is, when other people say "harsh should be with them" , only then i feel problem. otherwise if i am paying their bills, I am ok. i have now left aim of training parikhshith, as it involves conflict with wife.

we have gone to local temple president, asked some practical service where we can engage our mind. Because thats the only way to control it

somehow i like to interact with like minded people, hear them, contemplate, I dont need many people. Interacting with many people make me loose my efficiency and i become outward looking, hence more confused.

recently we good introduced to concept of maths in stock market, this intrigued, may be we can money from it and donate to temple, this involves listening to classes online, reading books, understanding concept, there is no direct service in temple. but this sort of analysis get us absorbed.

we also like the way Bhagvat subodhini has been made, analysis of verses, but if temple can not use that, most probably we will not go ahead.

your grace has experience over 40 years, the local temple is just having some brahmachari and trying to build community, temple.

what can of person do for such temple ? some how we think only you can answer that.

16 rounds ok, morning arti ok, evening arti improving, 3.85 rules.

reading -hearing people, reading 2nd canto, or BG 2 chap

unbriddled horse