KDPC Sadhana report/ association

4 years, 8 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev


Accept my pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet. AgtSP!!

Hope you are in good health

HpS - We have two teeth missing, our hearing and eyesight are going. Our short term memory has dimished. We always have mucous coming, some vertigo, but we have hope that science will adjust all this tomorrow and we will become immortal in this present body. How about you! (He.! Haw!)

and avoiding exhaustion due to excess work load .It must be difficult for you with corona virus pandemic in USA .

HpS - For us it is almost identical with our regular schedule here. Work in the office all day and go walking in the fresh air with NGD each evening. Sha Ping once a week.

I am OK physically . Fear of sudden death from corona virus has kind of made me realize that I need to reach the standards soon.

HpS - Yeah, other wise you will come back as. . . .

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a member of the same family and start up where you left off in this life time. Ayeee!!! We may be in an ISKCON gurukula together!!!

I am chanting few rounds but still far away from the ideal standards. Cooking my own food mostly .Its difficult to get groceries due to lockdown .Small aarti and just hoping Gaura nitai being merciful will accept it .Regulations are OK 3.25/4 with intoxication with coffee sometimes but slowly stoping that too.I am too materialistic I guess and micromanage finances.

HpS - You are a pretty good guy! Just need a good Temple authority.

Am getting dreams of deities some nights now

ASA - TB/BW - Cool!!!!!!

..and chanting in dream these days which is rare ..guess indication that I need improve chanting before I die .This has not happened before .I go for a walk in the woods to relax my mind . Seems to work for me .

Last time u asked if I have friends ,honestly speaking no devotee friends here . Its a small community here at center (most are matajis) and I don't want to be too intimate with them or they might misunderstand my intentions . Guess I have to accept the fact that maybe its Krsna's mercy that I am suppose to be alone in this journey . Hahaha...forced sanyasi :)

I hope to meet you soon after this pandemic gets over and become a disciple again .

Hare Krsna

Your trying to be servant

Rturaj Krsna Das


HpS - Hey, you are our friend! We really are happy when you write. Tell us about your job??