Hare Krishna

4 years, 10 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Other

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you?

HpS - ASA -- Brother Ass has a headache, but finds happiness and stimulation is the association of devotees like the superhuman Spanish Yatra.

During these lockdown days, I am trying to get connected to some of your programs in GotoMeeting. I have to thank you for this opportunity to listen to your explanations.

This is the week 6 inside the house. For me, it has been a difficult task at first, but now I am getting used to it, and I am realizing that I can spend more time reading, chanting or playing the harmonium.

I am still working. Everyday, from 9 to 14, I have online classes with the kids, and after that, some meetings. It’s been a little bit more difficult to talk to them about Krishna because I only have 20 minutes with each of them, but, for Ramachandra, we made an origami flower.

HpS - I think Sita Rama must have thought those were the best gives They got from anyone!

Every Sunday, we continue to do the Matajis Sanga on Skype (chant one round, read Krishna Book, talk about something interesting that any of us read or heard about Krishna and then we share some recipes).

On Tuesday, we meet with other devotees to read and extract a verse of Srila Prabhupada’s books. And, Friday, another meeting with devotees where we sing and Jayanta gives a lecture.

This is what I am doing right now.

HpS - More, more!!! Come out of the closet, this body, wake up to the big world of Vaikuntha!

Thank you again for your online meetings and this Blog.

Your aspirant to be a humble servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Can you write a short article for the next Viplavah? Send a little summary by next week and then we can get it finished by 15th? It will be read by educators all over ISKCON and interested people. When you are an old, old, lady what do you hope, expect, to see as the result of your educational efforts with primary school kids? Both with individuals and the utopia system that might develop?

You can write it in Spanish or English. We will edit the English if need be. Other topics are fine. Your own choice or another one would be what are the special aspects of education as people grow up until 12-years old? How is primary education different for boys and girls?....