“Donkey-1” Follow up on Zoom meeting

4 years, 9 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja, again and again thank you for joining us and giving a wonderful presentation. Devotees were satisfied :-)

HpS - It was so nice. Raghu from Amsterdam!!!

We had some audio problems. Your audio was disappearing from time to time. I could follow your thought almost all the time, apart from when you spoke scientifically about perception and sound, where you used some words and expressions that I am not familiar with. However, we have a recording and will listen to it.

You told me to enroll in a university course about perception. Thank you for the suggestion. I have done that. I finished one small course of 5 lectures of 25 minutes each. It was short but complex for me. Next, I will try another course which is longer and with many more materials.

HpS - Then you can talk from academic base with scientists. Ie. they claim to be based in rational empiricism, but then we see what empirical knowledge really is! It is based upon mental perspective etc. You see what you want to see, what your culture has conditioned you to see.

A comment about your point that nagara sankiratana is great in Argentina. I would like to mention that Buenos Aires population is 3 million people. This is almost a whole of Croatia. Pula town is 50 000 people. I guess there are hundreds of devotees in Argentina, and for them is much more practical to perform and organize such events. Here we are a few. And it looks more like a cry alone in the wilderness. I remember Krsna Ksetra Swami telling us about great Sunday Feasts in Buenos Aires with 400 devotees. Of course, I appreciate your idea and inspiration here. I just wanted to put up another perspective on the matter.

HpS - Yes, yes... Ha! Ha! Hare! Here we are like five families of initiated devotees. We can go out with three flags.

If I remember properly, you planted a pear tree in your garden. How is a pear doing these days?

HpS - I am still a proud father. Bharata became a deer! I may become a ..... It is growing....

We planted different green leafy vegetables, chillis, paprika, zucchini, tomatoes and many flowers in our garden.

Without wanting to burden you … , do you think you could join us again in the future at our meetings? Do you know some devotees from USA (or anywhere) who would be willing to give a talk on Zoom for our sanga?

Your servant, Namacarya Das

HpS - I will let them respond here. What about the Hawaii classes? That is Thursday at www.e-sanga.org but yes, let us organize some more European broadcasts!!!! Thank you!!!! You are a general in the Sankirtan Army.