KDPC- Stri Sadhu Sanga

4 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:


Today we start a meeting in Zoom with Indhira Shakti dd, Lavagna Mangala dd, Madhumati dd and María.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!

I had the desire to read SP 's books but with the perspective of a lady. So I asked them if they want to meet at least through internet and today we started with one verse from SB which purport I like the most. SB 1.8.20

There it is stated that we God bless the ladies to have the character to believe in Him without mental speculation we believe by ❤️.

It was very nice to share with my friends our realizations and all of us come to the conclusion that we started to believe in Krsna immediately we came in contact with Krsna Consciousness.

Next week we are going to read NOI.

Please I humbly request that U bless us in order to continue with our meetings. We need to be prepared in order to preach future ladies that may come to the movement.

I am also improving my cooking due to this Quarantine. My sister is veggie now haha. And I am giving online classes. I am giving classes to Jiyada Nrismha d (he is studying English).

Regarding the Questions Bank of SB can I help with SB canto 1 chapter 8? Or do you need help in other cantos or chapters? Please let me know.

HpS - We try to do our own work, study from 6.30-7.30 AM each day. We need to add time after the classes to post the results. It is very much pioneer work, developing an institutional educational system. We are more and more satisfied. Now Gandharva Das, Isvari radha Devi Dasi and HpSwami are working on questions for SB 2.1-3, first module. That is enough for now. Then we can all start work on the next module after a few days. We will talk more about our realizations tomorrow. Thank you.

Nothing but good can come from your Ladies SB group!

Thanks Gurudeva for your inspiration

See U in Cyber space

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd