Hare Krishna

4 years, 10 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

yes Sr I am that same Jorge who spent 5 months at the manor doing the Bhakti sastri studies.

I am in Barcelona right now, things are ugly Here; but I am okay chanting the holy name.

more than 20 days locked.

I am connecting with my dear friends from Oslo Norway we Chant japa on Skype.

hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare

hare Rama hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare

I don’t really have to much to say just staying home trying to remember the lord.

thank you so much Maharaj

Hare Krishna

HpS - AgtSP! Paoho. So sorry little slow to answer. You must be a very experienced devotee after so many years associating with Srila Prabhupada. It seems like we look at different schools and consider different careers.

Law, Medicine, Engineering... This university, that university; price, location, faculty, cost. Then we even ask the professor if we can sit in on his class for free and he says sure.

Then.... We decide... O. K. I will matriculate in this university, in this career. That is Diksa. I pay my fees and get my "C"s and at the end of 4-yours they promise that I will a professional Engineer.