Hare Krsna Gurudeva.
Agt SP!!
Jay Nimai Nitai!!!
My obeisances Guru Maharaja.
How are You?
HpS - Just like you, suffering. We are in hell!! Yet, have our beads in front of us and Lord Jagannatha's association, Hare Krsna.
I wish You are fine. I hope your days in the garden are very rewarding.
HpS - We spent 30-minutes with the Weed Whipper and we able to cut a lot of the tall grass. Our arms were so tired afterwards that we could barely hold the cell phone, but we were HAPPY! Dancing for Krsna!
I, my sadhana, well, brahma muhurta, 4/16. CC in the morning, BG the rest of the day, and some of Upadesamrta.
FMP with you and everyone.
Thanks to Your mercy, Prabhupada, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, my rounds and my conscience, each day is better.
The presence of Paramatma as the true owner of the body, the vehicle with which I move, is more and more predominant every day. Many realizations derived from this feeling, of how we are one and different from Krsna, since one, thanks to the Maha mantra, learns to revive his spiritual senses, which do not see any problem with this affirmation.
I hope you can bless me, so that one day I can become a pure devotee, and if possible obtain spiritual insanity.
My reverence Guru Maharaja.
P.D: Maharaja, I have cured a food allergy that inflamed my airways and throat with chlorine dioxide, and since I was 14 years old, my throat was not like that, and my lungs were not inflamed. And although I do sports, as fair, and I am very healthy, now I can move my bones like never before doing stretches. The toxins that create happiness and arthritis, among other things, have been burned. I think it can be very useful to detoxify the whole body as if it were Panchakarma, I have experienced it.
I understand that perhaps these things do not matter much to you, so I will not comment on it more times.
Hare Krsna Gurudeva.
HPS - ClO2 ? Chlorine Dioxide. How do you get it? How do you administer it? Hope you get some Sankirtan partners soon.