Hare Krsna Maharaj

4 years, 11 months ago by lakshmi108 in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaj,

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada.

ASA - Jaya!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Thank you for replying to my last message Maharaj. I was scared you had not received it. As soon as I saw the email of your reply, I was very happy. Thank you Maharaj. I really wish your health is in the best condition.

HpS - Material world! This is material world, EVERYONE gets diseases, even just as an example to others.

I'm sorry again, I haven't updated you recently. My last message I believe I mentioned to you that I went to India. I didn't really discuss in detail what I did. Anyway, I went for a month and we first went to Vrndavan for 10 days.

HpS - Did you die? That would have been very fortunate!!

This was my favourite part of the trip. Then we went to Bangalore for a friend's wedding. Actually this is the reason I got a ticket to India in the first place haha. The wedding was nice. And then to Punjab for my cousin's (Surbhi) wedding. My mum came for this one as they were begging our whole family to come. So i met her in Delhi, after Bangalore, and from there we went to Punjab. VERY VERY FANCY. Too fancy, in fact. For me it was too much. But in India, it is still considered barely anything.

If i get married in the future, I want a very simple wedding. Similar to the ones my parents had, just with more family and friends.

HpS - I was there. It was magical. I did the fire sacrifice. The Gurukula boys chanted mantras, Headmaster's wife rushed Acyuta priya Devi Dasi off and they decorated her very nicely. Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadyay was there. Then as we were rushing back to Lucknow from Naimisaranya, your mother asked what day it was and when we told her she started to laugh like a mad girl, and then explained that her sister, your esteemed aunt, had been married on exactly the same day one year earlier!

Anyway, I feel a connection when I'm Vrndavan and I love the environment there. I hope I can go back every year. I really need to get a job here so I can properly save up money. I also need to buy a car over here.

HpS - Maybe Krsna will send you something were you meet people.

Another thing, as you know I'm very confused and indecisive and still am not sure about what I want to do yet. I already finished 1 year of Business and this year began and I just thought I can't continue studying this if I don't enjoy it... I've thought about doing a degree in Creative Industries or Design. Something like this. But also there is the notion that these kind of careers will have no jobs and are not in high demand. Too much confusion. Please bless me to figure this out. So for the time being, it happened that I'm not studying this semester. I was planning to do simple electives and nothing major but the style of teaching at uni doesn't appeal to me. It was too boring. I love to learn. but not the way that is done here... With this quarantine anyway, perhaps it was a good pause. I'm trying to engage myself in as much art at home as I can. I'm painting, sewing, and trying other things. I painted Baladev on a t shirt for one.

HpS - Jaya. Harer nama eva kevalau. Chant for an answer!

Yesterday I saw your interview in Manipur with a lady from Impact TV. It was seriously SO AWESOME. I loved it. The way you speak is so humble and genuine. And I learnt so many things. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but I've always wanted to make a documentary of devotees. I wanted to interview them and ask how they came to Krsna Consciousness and what inpsired them to join, etc. I think it'd be a gem for future generations. I need to get to this. Too many ideas. Too much laziness.

HpS - Become a Journalist! Learn that!

My chanting hasn't been the best lately Maharaj. At some point I wasn't really chanting properly. I feel guilty but I didn't have enough of a drive to do it. I'm very sorry. Anyway, Sakhi Rai prabhu (you may know him) tries to inspire and engage me so he kind of gave me the idea to be strong. So I'm now just trying to do 4 a day. It's nice. I'm re-building that shakti. My father was best teacher in these things. I miss him in these regards. He always gave me so much spiritual knowledge. I wish I was more inquisitive and interested before. I could've learned so much. I'm happy that you have this forum where I can keep in touch with you. It's perfect. Please bless me to be a better devotee and person Maharaj. And after this Corona Virus is over, I hope you can visit Brisbane soon.

HpS - Ha, Ha, Ha... It will never be over. It will just change its name. Sometimes it is called "Snake Bird", etc. Krsna pushes and Krsna pulls!

We were actually planning to go to Baku in July, for my grandfather's 70'th birthday. But this whole virus has changed the plan of everything. Who would've guessed that 2020 will end up like this. I realised that it's better to just go out and do things. Travel. Everything. Because we never know when there is zero opportunity to do it.

Wow. Ended up to be quite a long message haha. Thank you Maharaj for reading and caring always.


Yours servant,


HpS - Respects to Bhima, YOur mother, sister, uncle, aunt!! Chant for what you want. Krsna will answer. Do you want become very, very, very rich?? Beautiful as the Goddesses in heaven???