DTC 31(Tue)

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

hare< [KRSNA (hare Rama)] !

9.16PM. Brother Ass is going blind, heart and respiration failing etc.

Prabhod ananda Sarasvati - Treat your sense, donkey, roughly!

  • Today was SB class. Is so satisfying. We are studying for teaching. If we can give SB, Canto 1-2 to people that is wonderful. The Gopis recite SB, no?
  • Then breakfast offering of five kinds of fruit and avacado.
  • Then collect our brains, then discover our flight had been canceled and then choosing the new option. Now we leave Boise at 7.45 AM Thursday (April 2) and arrive Nashville 2.15PM and look for an Uber ride to Murfreesboro. So looks like we will be available in the morning and evening on Rama-navami but not for Anandamaya Das' program as scheduled.


Talk-ed with Art Das for 45-minutes about Peru Teleconferences, Calls, for April 1st-15th. We will make a movie with Oscar and Ambaris/Vrsabhanu et al that will win an Oscar for Oscar. Karuna Virus.


Then there was an EarthQuake at 5.30PM! The whole building was shaking. People was running from the houses! This is all the same bad influence as the Karuna Virus, no?


Then we joined the Nashville 15-minute Daily Anti-virus/Prema Kirtana, and finished our rounds and doing let, let, letters!

[Upendra Das visited with cookies for the journey. We chanted for 30-minutes and discussed a little politics and Satsvarupa Das Goswami's books!]
O.K. 9.30PM (With hot milk, Srinivasa Das read from the "Genealogical Table of Lord Krsna" about how Krsna was not attached to any of His wives (??? 😎)
  • You can see the snow in the mountains that surround Boise, that came





today. [Fred, the grey, fluffy cat is on patrol everyday. We want to hang a sign that says, "Hare Krsna" around his neck]

😐 😐 😐 Thank you!!