PC Cuarentena en Vrndavan

4 years, 6 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

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dear Guru maharaja pamho algtSP. I am writing to you from Vrndavan quarantining inside the temple, I have service in the Radharani kitchen with Bhubanesvara Prabhu and then I clean the pots in Aindra's room, it is a nectar that I have been allowed to live here in the temple with your Lordships I feel very Happy, I get up early and I sing more rounds and I read, and I study Mrdanga, even so sometimes in the Mayan nights he has captured me with the internet and Facebook, but I keep praying to Krsna for the Day in which He allows me to serve him properly dear Guru maharaja.

I wanted to ask you about how I can satisfy you being here in Vrndavan and how I can get out of this infernal sinful life that sometimes attacks me.

Your eternal donky Vrajendra Kumara Das